Traveling with Special Needs Family Members Doesn't Have to be Difficult
Traveling with family members who have special needs can seem a daunting prospect, but it doesn’t have to be if you plan ahead. Today,...

Caregiver Tip - The Perils of Falling
The number one reason elderly people visit the emergency room every year is related to falling. The fall can occur because of vision...

Protect Your Pet with a Pet Trust
As a caregiver, you’re accustomed to planning for events that benefit you and your loved one, such as making sure there’s a will, that...

Keep Track of Digital Information
With modern technology our lives have become more reliant on the computer for access to just about everything. We do our banking, pay our...

Caregiver Tip - Use the Opportunity to Record Your Family History
While you are spending time with your loved one, especially an aging relative, take the time to record the family history. You can...

Making a Special Goodbye
Sometimes when you know the end is near, you might want to consider having a gathering with friends and family to celebrate life before...

4 Tips to Help with Caregiving
Being a caregiver takes a tremendous about of work and can cause a lot of stress. In fact, stress is one of the major hazards suffered by...

What if the Caregiver Dies First?
As unpleasant as it may sound, as a caregiver you need to consider the possibility that you could die or become incapacitated, leaving...

Five More Things to Consider When Selecting a Nursing Home
Placing a loved one in a nursing requires is a major event and you want to make sure you find the one that best fits the needs of your...