Six Easy Exercises for Caregivers
Studies show that one-third of caregivers provide intensive care, yet they are also in fair to poor health. In fact, caregivers are often...

15 Activities for Caregivers to do with their Loved Ones
There are often times when the person you are caring for can become bored and depressed. What you can try to do to help them feel more...

Top Five Healthy Foods
As a caregiver you might often find yourself without a lot of time for preparing meals and as a result just eating whatever happens to be...

Friends are Good for Your Health
One thing that many caregivers endure is stress. Stress from worry, from fatigue, from trying to meet the everyday demands of caregiving....

Ways to Deal with Constant Complaining
As a caregiver you might often be subject to constant complaining from your loved one. The source of negativity can arise from many...

February is American Heart Month
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Every year one in four deaths is caused by heart...

Caregivers and Lack of Sleep
A good night’s sleep is one of the important things a caregiver needs, but it’s often quite elusive. In fact, sleep problems are one of...

It's Glaucoma Awareness Month
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. Glaucoma is a primary cause of vision loss and blindness that impacts around 2.7 million people in...

Alzheimer's, Music, Mood & Memory
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. According to a new study led by Dr. Teppo Särkämö and the University of...