A New Year of Caregiving
With the start of the New Year it might be a good idea to take a moment to reflect on the obstacles you faced last year and how to...

Caregiving During the Holidays
Caregiving during the holidays can be stressful, and even filled with anger and frustration. However, there are ways to make it easier to...

Protecting Seniors from Identity Theft
Identity theft has become rampant these days and while anyone can become the victim of identity theft, scammers are increasingly...

Tips for Dealing with Childhood Diabetes
The diagnosis of diabetes in your child can cause tremendous fear, anxiety, confusion and uncertainty. And it’s often just as difficult...

Our Daughter has Cerebral Palsy
Richard and Jenine Merritt’s second pregnancy occurred pretty much like her first one with their son Jack, fairly easy except for the...

Childhood Cancer
According to Chantel Adams, founder and CEO of Forever WE Inc., 46 children are diagnosed with cancer every day. Only 4 percent of...

Taking Care of YOU
It’s important to remember that as a caregiver, you need to take care of yourself as well. Just as you’ve seen right before your flight...

Juggling Work and Caregiving
If you find that you’re having to devote more and more hours to caregiving, and are losing time at work, here are some suggestions to try...

10 Early Signs of Dementia
Dementia isn’t actually a disease, rather it’s a number of symptoms that can be caused by disease, one of which the leading is...