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Tips to Avoid Caregiver Burnout

Currently, as many as 43.5 million Americans care for older parents, grandparents, spouses and other older loved ones.

Some older adults need only a little assistance; for example, help with shoveling snow or rides to and from the grocery store. Others need a lot of help with daily activities like eating, bathing, dressing, taking medications and managing money. Over time, an older adult often needs increasing help from caregivers.

While caring for an older family member can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a lifetime, it can also be stressful. This is especially likely if the older adult has dementia or needs around-the-clock care. Most family caregivers are spouses or children. They may have age-related health problems of their own, or they may have small children to care for, or work outside the home, or all of these. Sometimes, providing care for an older person can lead to “caregiver burnout.” To avoid caregiver burnout, it’s important to get help before caregiving becomes overwhelming. If you’re caring for an older loved one, the American Geriatrics Society Health in Aging Foundation suggests that you:

Get information. It’s likely that an older person you care for has multiple health problems and needs. They may take quite a few medications and have several different healthcare professionals. This can make managing their care more complicated for you as a caregiver. It’s helpful to learn as much as you can about your older loved one’s health problems and how these are likely to change over time.

As a first step in learning more, has a wealth of information on health conditions and needs unique to older adults that can help you be a better informed and prepared caregiver.

Help your loved one help himself or herself. Doing something as simple as putting a no-slip seat in the shower or bath; installing “grab bars” in the bathroom and near the bed; moving things to lower shelves; or getting easy-grip can openers and other utensils can make it possible for an older person to keep doing certain things independently.

Ask trustworthy family, friends and neighbors for assistance.

Ask family and friends for help, and accept help if it is offered. explain what needs to be done, but try not to criticize if others don’t care for your loved one in exactly the way you would. The important thing is that his or her needs are met.

Take care of yourself, too.

Eating well, exercising, and taking time to relax and enjoy yourself are key to avoiding burnout. If you take care of yourself you’ll be able to take better care of others. Also know the warning signs of depression and get help when you need it.

Don’t take it personally.

If an older person has dementia or other mental or emotional problems, he or she may get angry or say hurtful things. remind yourself that this is because of his or her illness.Try not to take it to heart.

Talk about it

Talking about your experiences and feelings can make care giving less stressful. Consider joining a caregiver support group in your area. Remember to take care of yourself.

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